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Zirconium Veener in Turkey

Zirconium dental treatment is a treatment method used in dentistry and dental clinics. Zirconium is a material used for various dental prostheses such as dental implants, bridges and veneers due to its high durability and aesthetic appearance.

Zirconium dental prosthesis are more durable and long-lasting than porcelain dental prosthesis. They are also available in white, which does not cause allergic reactions and looks similar to natural teeth.

This treatment method is performed by a dentist. On average, it is completed in 2 to 3 sessions. During the first session, the dentist takes an impression of the tooth and sends it to the laboratory. In the laboratory, a dental prosthesis is made according to the size of the zirconium. In the second session, the dental prosthesis is placed on the tooth and adjusted accordingly. At the last session, the dental prosthesis is fixed and appropriate care instructions are recommended. Zirconium tooth veneer generally goes through these stages.

This treatment is generally more expensive than other tooth prosthesis options. However, since this treatment method is long-lasting and durable, a cost-benefit advantage is achieved in the long term.

What is Zirconium Tooth?

As the simplest answer to the question of what is zirconium tooth, which is one of the questions that have started to be asked more frequently since these teeth have started to be used in dentistry and clinics, it can be answered that it means removing a dental prosthesis from a substance called by its name.

Zirconium is a material frequently used for dental prostheses due to its durability, biological compatibility and aesthetic appearance. For zirconium tooth construction, it can be designed as a veneer or dental bridge made entirely of zirconium.

These teeth are also aesthetically attractive as they have a similar colour to natural teeth. It also helps to achieve a natural look. They are also lighter than other metal dental prostheses and do not cause allergic reactions.

Since the durability of these teeth is also high, it is expected to be long-lasting. For the preparation of these teeth, the patient’s teeth are first measured by a dentist. This measure is very important for zirconium tooth construction.

Then it is sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory, a dental prosthesis is made according to the size of the zirconium. The dental prosthesis is adjusted by the dentist in accordance with the patient’s oral structure before it is placed on the tooth.

These teeth, like other dental prostheses, require regular cleaning and maintenance. It is useful to follow the instructions given by the dentist on how to care for zirconium teeth. These teeth behave like natural teeth and help to perform everyday activities such as chewing, speaking and smiling.

How is Zirconium Tooth Veneer Procedure Performed?

Since this veneer procedure is a dental treatment method performed by a dentist, this type of treatment should not be requested in places described as underground facilities. When it comes to health, it is necessary to go to a specialist, and in cases where undesirable situations arise, physicians should be selected with the professionalism that will ensure that there is an addressee both personally and legally. As the answer to the question of what is zirconium tooth veneer is internalised, people inevitably act meticulously for the process in question.

The following stages outline the process of dental zirconium veneers:

  • Tooth Preparation: Firstly, the dentist prepares for the dental zirconium veneer procedure and takes dental impressions of the patient’s oral cavity. Afterwards, the teeth are cleaned of harmful substances and caries. The shape, size and colour of the tooth are prepared to fit this veneer.
  • Impression Taking: After the tooth preparation process, the dentist takes impressions of the patient’s teeth. This measure is used in the laboratory to make this veneer.
  • Temporary Veneers: While this veneer is made in the laboratory, the patient’s teeth are protected with a temporary veneer.
  • Veneer Making: In the laboratory, a special veneer is made according to the patient’s tooth size. Zirconium is processed using a special CAD/CAM software and cutting machine used by dentists.
  • Veneer Application: Once this veneer is ready, the dentist adjusts and bonds the veneer to fit the patient’s tooth.
  • Final Check and Adjustments: After the veneering process is completed, the dentist checks the veneer for the last time and makes the necessary adjustments if necessary.

It happens that this procedure lasts relatively between 2 and 3 sessions. The success rate of the treatment is quite high. These veneers have become frequently preferred by people because they provide a long-lasting, durable, natural and aesthetic appearance.

Zirconium Veneer Advantages

One of the biggest reasons why zirconium crown is a frequently preferred dental prosthesis in dentistry is the variety of advantages it has. Those who have zirconium teeth also benefit from these advantages. The answer to the question of how to fit zirconium teeth in patient’s teeth, which is put in the minds of people who are well informed about the advantages of this material and the process performed with this material, is actually a part of these advantages.

Among the advantages of this method, there are advantages such as

  • having an aesthetic appearance,
  • having durable and long-lasting teeth,
  • being a biologically compatible tooth,
  • not causing difficulty in terms of use due to its light weight,
  • rapid adaptation, both physically and psychologically,
  • and easy daily maintenance.

This method of veneering is in high demand among dental prosthetists. Many patients’ dentists recommend this method to their patients. However, like any dental treatment, these veneers also have some disadvantages. This dental treatment is not suitable for every patient.

Is Zirconium Tooth Suitable for Re-Whitening?

These teeth provide a natural tooth appearance, but they are not whitened like natural teeth. The fact that the zirconium structure used in zirconium tooth models is different from the structures such as enamel and dentin in natural teeth is the reason why whitening cannot be performed on it.

Although these teeth are more durable than porcelain or composite dental veneers, they cannot be whitened in the same way. The colours of these teeth remain constant after the tooth veneering process performed on these teeth.

What is the Compatibility of Zirconium Veneer with Gingiva?

The compatibility of these veneers with the gums is very good. Zirconium varieties are a set of materials compatible with human tissues. The surface in contact with the gum can be designed similar to the surface of natural teeth. Therefore, these veneers are produced in a way that is suitable for gum health. It is also possible to place it in a plane compatible with the gum line.

The surfaces of these veneers are very smooth. Thus, it does not cause any irritation or discomfort on the gum tissue. In addition, these veneers are considered to be more biocompatible than other dental veneers. As such, it causes less damage to gum health.

However, before this veneer procedure, the dentist should carefully evaluate the condition and health of the gums. If there are gum diseases or infections, these problems should be treated first. In addition, if the gums are diseased or inflamed, the compatibility of these veneers with the gums begins to decrease.

Are Zirconium Teeth Replaceable?

These teeth are placed over the original structure of the tooth, like other dental veneers, and then firmly bonded to the tooth. Therefore, these teeth can be replaced. However, unlike other dental veneers, after this veneer is removed, it can be easily seen that it does not leave any damage to the original structure of the tooth in the zirconium tooth types.

These veneers may need to be replaced. For example, if the crown is broken or cracked, discoloured or designed in a way that is incompatible with natural teeth, these teeth will also need to be replaced.

Dentists can remove the veneers by dissolving the adhesives that attach these veneers to the tooth. However, after the crown is removed, a special protective veneer or filling must be applied to protect the tooth.

On the other hand, during the replacement of these veneers, the dentist tries to improve the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the teeth by re-measuring and redesigning the size, shape and colour of the veneers.

Zirconium Tooth Treatment Process

The treatment process of this tooth consists of several stages. Since zirconium is not a tooth whitening process, no process can be developed in this treatment. The treatment may take several weeks to complete.

This process generally consists of the following stages:

  • Consultation and assessment: The first step is a counselling session with the dentist. The condition of the teeth and the wishes of the person are evaluated. The dentist will then provide information about how zirconium teeth can be used.
  • Preparation: The dentist performs a series of stages to prepare the teeth. These stages include assessing your gum health, measuring the size and shape of your teeth, preparing the surface of your teeth and scanning your teeth.
  • Design and production: The dentist creates the design of the teeth using impressions and other information. A laboratory prepares these veneers to be produced.
  • Application: When the veneers are ready, the dentist places the veneers on the teeth. This stage involves adjustments such as first checking the suitability of the veneers, bonding the veneers to the teeth and shaping the teeth.
  • Check-ups: After the treatment is completed, the dentist is regularly checked at regular intervals. These controls help in terms of dental health, dental aesthetics and the protection of all these.

This dental treatment preserves the natural appearance of the patients’ teeth and removes any evidence and signs that any surgical procedure has been performed.

How is Zirconium Tooth Care Done?

Since these teeth are produced from a special material and have unique features, it has cleared the way for the answers known by everyone to become a question again and made it compulsory to ask the question of how to clean zirconium teeth.

Among the stages that must be fulfilled for zirconium dental care: There are zirconium dental care stages such as

  • brushing the teeth at least twice a day, especially after eating,
  • gaining the habit of using dental floss with brushing,
  • using mouthwash,
  • following diet programmes for the protection of teeth, avoiding excessive eating,
  • and having the teeth checked regularly. Theese are zirconium teeth care clauses.

These teeth are known to be as durable and long-lasting as natural teeth. The life of zirconium teeth is a product with efficiency and durability that offers a lifetime of use if the care and control instructions for the teeth are fulfilled. Regularly performing the above-mentioned maintenance and making them a habit are the prerequisites for the lifetime use mentioned above.

Zirconium Tooth Prices

These teeth impose a higher cost burden on people compared to other tooth veneering methods. Zirconium tooth prices, of course, vary depending on many factors. However, these procedures should be avoided in unhealthy and unlicensed facilities just because they are very cheap.

The experience, expertise and skill of the dentist is one of the most important factors determining the price. In addition, the number of teeth planned to be veneered also significantly affects the price of this treatment. The quality class to which the material belongs is one of the issues affecting the price of this process. Someone who wants to have long-lasting and durable teeth should turn to quality and choose a good dentist.

In general, the cost of a zirconium tooth varies approximately between 1000 TRY and 3000 TRY according to current market prices. However, the dentist may set a different price threshold depending on the location, size and needs of the tooth.

These dental prices are not covered by insurance. The reason for this is that it is included in the category of aesthetic surgery. Checking the actuality of the prices and making the necessary researches draws attention as an issue that must be fulfilled compulsorily due to the price movements in recent periods.

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